CBD Wisdom

Optimize your Circadian Rhythm and Conquer Daylight Savings Blues

Adam Wenguer

Tags circadian rhythm

Optimize your Circadian Rhythm and Conquer Daylight Savings Blues
When we understand the importance of our Circadian Rhythm being controlled by daylight and darkness cycles, we begin to realize how artificial light and especially electronic screens can clearly disrupt this crucial cycle. 

Mindfulness Series - Gratitude

Adam Wenguer

Tags Gratitude, Mindfulness

Mindfulness Series - Gratitude
If we want to make lasting changes to how we think, feel and live our life then it's necessary to break old habits. Specific habits that prevent us from expressing our highest form of self are like chains keeping us bound to the past and to a destiny that is out of our control. 

Should I buy my "CBD" products on Amazon?

Adam Wenguer

Tags amazon cbd, CBD from amazon, fake cbd

Should I buy my "CBD" products on Amazon?
Absolutely Not!
Amazon currently has prohibited the sale of legitimate CBD extracts. So now we are seeing a ton of shady companies looking to capitalize on a customer base that isn't properly educated on what to look for